Reasons to Consider a Hair Transplant in Turkey 2023

Reasons to Consider a Hair Transplant in Turkey 2023

If you’re considering an operation to remove your hair, you might be wondering whether Turkey is the ideal place to have it done. Turkey has some advantages over the US and UK. You can be assured that the procedure will go smoothly because the doctors are highly skilled. But, it is important to understand that hair transplant surgery in Turkey costs more.

The proprietors of these centers may be greedy and overharvesting can result in disastrous results.

Hair transplant clinics are known for their excessive harvest of hair and not adhere to basic safety and medical regulations. Some clinics employ unlicensed technicians to reduce costs and accelerate the process of surgery.

This issue could result in disastrous outcomes for patients. Patients may get poor results from hair transplant clinics that are operating on the black market. Patients could also be exposed to shady charlatans who pose as experts in order to make a buck. It is important to thoroughly research any clinics you’re interested in.

Turkey is more expensive than the UK and US for hair transplants

Turkey is a well-known option for hair transplants. The price differs between Turkey as well as the UK and the US is significant. In the UK, FUE hair transplants can cost as high as PS3500 The same procedure in Turkey can cost around PS1500. This is due to Turkey’s low living costs.

Hair transplants in the United States can cost as high as $5 per graft. This is a high price for a standard procedure, which involves between 2000 to 3000 hair transplants. in the United States can cost anywhere from $3500 to $15,000. If you’re in the market for hair transplants in the UK or the US be certain to include the cost of travel, post-operative treatment and visa costs.

Turkey Cost of hair transplants

Turkey is among the top locations for hair transplantation, and its low cost of living is a significant contributing factor. Rent and wages are significantly lower in Turkey and a minimum wage in Turkey could be comparable to the salary of a top surgeon in other countries. You can save up to 30% on hair transplants in Turkey. The cost of a hair transplant in Turkey includes the procedure as well as a luxurious hotel room, and the aftercare medication.

Turkey is also home to a vast number of clinics which specialize in hair transplantation. These clinics are renowned for their expertise, and they use modern equipment that offers cutting-edge technology at affordable prices.